Buildings & Grounds Department
Central Copy
12940 E. Highway 34
Sturgis, S.D. 57785
(605) 347-2649
Office Hours
7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. (M-F)
The Buildings & Grounds Department is responsible for the maintenance and capital improvement projects for all buildings in the district. The department is also responsible for areas such as health and safety, indoor air quality, operations and grounds care.
Maintenance Department
The Maintenance Department is responsible for the general maintenance and up keep of all buildings in the district. Work includes the repair and maintenance of all building systems such as heating and ventilation, electrical distribution and lighting, and water and sewer. The Maintenance Department employees are also responsible for carpentry projects, all renovation projects and grounds work including all lawns and sports fields.
Custodial Department
The Custodial Department are responsible for the cleaning and upkeep of the facilities, using Standard Operational Procedures. Each facility has one head custodian, with some facilities having additional custodial staff which report to the head custodian of that facility.
Central Copy
Central Copy consists of one staff member who receives, completes and returns copying and laminating requests from staff throughout the district. This same individual also serves as receiving agent for all shipments.
Central Copy has an email account specifically for digital copy requests: MeadePrintShop@k12.sd.us.
Please use this for all your digital requests.
Safety and Environmental Programs
The Safety and Environmental Programs Department is responsible for safety inspections of the facilities, water testing, energy management programs, and various other governmental programs such as care and control of asbestos containing material, handicap accessibility (ADA), and Chemical Right to Know (SARA Title III). Currently one field worker works directly with the Supervisor of Buildings & Grounds.
District Facility Use Information
Brett Burditt, Business Manager
1230 Douglas Street
Sturgis, SD 57785
(605) 347-2523
Venue Code: 2507-025