Over-the-counter medications to be administered at school must have a completed Medication & Treatment Authorization form and be in the original labeled container.
Prescription medications MUST have the prescription label.
Medications will be kept in the school nurse office.
Students may carry inhalers with permission of the parent and the school nurse.
Your student must be kept home or will be sent home from school if:
Fever of 100.0 or greater; child must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.
Communicable Disease is suspected
It is recommended that your student be kept home, or it is possible your student will be sent home if:
An illness that prevents the child from participating comfortably in program activities.
An illness that results in a greater need for care than the staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of other children.
With persistent abdominal pain (continuous for more than two hours) or intermittent abdominal pain associated with fever, dehydration, or other systemic signs or symptoms.
With vomiting & diarrhea, if it occurs two or more times in 12 hours or if accompanied by a fever.
Exception for vomiting that is caused by a non-communicable condition and the child is not in danger of dehydration.
Contact Information:
Your child’s school must have phone numbers where you can be contacted during the day in case there is an emergency at school.
Please have an alternate phone number where you or someone can be reached if you are not at home.
Please update phone numbers with school personnel as soon as they change.
An anaphylactic reaction is a progressive whole body allergic reaction that can be fatal and can occur with hypersensitivity to food, insect stings, medication and other allergens.
The Meade School District will maintain a stock supply of epinephrine auto injectors(Epipen) pursuant to SDHB 1167 and according to the Meade School District policy.
These epinephrine auto injectors will be for use in an emergency situation of a severe allergic reaction causing anaphylaxis regardless of whether or not the student has a prescription for an epinephrine auto injector or has been diagnosed with an allergy.
School nurses and staff will be trained to recognize symptoms of severe allergic or anaphylactic reaction.
Meade School District follows recommendations made by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the South Dakota Department of Health.