bus registration

The 2024-2025 school year is about to begin! We, at Harlow’s are excited to have the privilege of transporting your children to school this year. We hope to have a smooth transition this year. There are a few changes we have made this year to help make our busing process easier for the schools and help us keep track of where your children are located.

All students who ride the bus for routes MUST be registered to ride the bus. If your child is not registered to ride the bus, then transportation from school after the first week will not be provided until we receive a transportation form. This is extremely important for our liability for your child. Registration forms will be provided at the open houses for your respective schools. One (1) form for all your children is all that is needed.

At open house, we are teaming up with the school to make sure that the information in your Infinite Campus is correct. We have new routing software that bases your pick-up location off your address, so it is important to make sure this information is correct. When you come to our table, please fill out a registration form, if you have not emailed us one already. We will look at your child(ren)’s Infinite Campus profile and ensure that your address and phone numbers are correct and assign your child’s bus number and bus stop/time. We have made some adjustments to some of the routes this year and re-numbered the buses, so it is extremely important that you come see us. If any of your information has changed, we will give you a slip to bring to the school office staff to update your information.

Please have a conversation with your child about bus etiquette. We will be holding children more accountable for their behaviors and our drivers more accountable with documentation. We do not want your child to lose their bus privileges, and we want our drivers to be able to build a rapport with the children they transport. If you have any concerns about your child or their driver, please email Kelli Werlinger with your concern and your phone number, and I will respond to you as soon as possible.

Please give us grace the first couple of weeks as we try to find our groove! We will be making small adjustments during this time and your times may or may not change by a few minutes. It would help to make sure your children are at their bus stop location 5 minutes early to ensure their pick-up.

Thank you for your time and understanding,

Harlow’s School Bus Inc.
(605) 347-5066